What is Volt

Powering a Lightning-Fast deflation with Electrifying buy and burn

Volt, built on TitanX, is a hyper-deflationary token with a unique auction system. It features a capped supply with all tokens distributed in the first 10 days, triggering full deflation afterward. Volt utilizes 80% of system value to buy tokens. Volt enters deflation quickly with a massive buy and burn.

Volt's Pumpamentals:

  • Deflationary token

  • Huge buy and burn

  • Perpetual Auction system

  • Full token distribution in 10 days.

  • 80% of TitanX value used to buy Volt.

  • Liquidity bonding with all titanX tokens

  • "The Treasure Volt" ensures perpetual auctions with deflationary tokenomics.

  • The "Volt Wheel" amplifies the buy and burn among protocols with synergistic effect

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