Token Distribution

Spark the Future: Fuel The Treasure Volt, Power the Game!

The entire supply of Volt tokens is minted with TitanX within the first 10 days, with no additional tokens created afterward. This makes Volt deflationary very quickly.

Volt Token Distribution:

  • Max Supply: 1 billion tokens (exactly 1,055,000,000)

  • Liquidity Wallet: 50 million tokens (to be paired with Protocols built on TitanX)

  • Starting Liquidity: 5 million tokens paired with TitanX for the starting liquidity pool.

  • Stage 1 (Days 1-10): 100,000,000 Volt tokens auctioned daily.

  • Stage 2 (Day 11 onward): All auctioned Volt tokens come from "The Treasure Volt."

TitanX Token Distribution:

  • Daily auctions for Volt tokens are conducted using TitanX.

  • TitanX burn: 4% (sent to DragonX vault)

  • Liquidity Bonding: 8% (bonding all TitanX protocols together with liquidity in the Volt Wheel)

  • Genesis wallet: 8%

Last updated