Buy and Burn/Feed

Fuel the Fire: Decentralize, Burn, and Build the Volt Revolution

Volt combines a deflationary asset with massive buy pressure from the value coming into the protocol.

Buy and Burn/Feed Mechanism

  • 80% of TitanX Value: Allocated to the Buy and Burn/Feed mechanism.

  • Three Components:

    • Buy and Burn: 42% of tokens purchased from the liquidity pool (LP) are burnt.

    • Buy and Feed: 50% of tokens purchased from the LP are placed in "The Volt" for future auctions starting from Day 11.

    • Buy and Grow: 8% used for liquidity bonding for all TitanX protocol tokens

Initial buy and burn (Days 1-10)

  • Daily Allocation:

    • Day 1: no burn on day 1

    • Day 2: 42% of the balance is used.

    • Day 3: 39% of the balance is used.

    • Day 4: 36% of the balance is used.

    • Day 5: 33% of the balance is used.

    • Day 6: 30% of the balance is used.

    • Day 7: 27% of the balance is used.

    • Day 8: 24% of the balance is used.

    • Day 9: 21% of the balance is used.

    • Day 10: 18% of the balance is used.

Post Initial buy and burn (Day 11 Onwards)

  • Daily Usage:

    • From Day 11 onwards, 15% of the Buy and Burn/Build balance is utilized each day.

    • The daily balance is divided into 96 parts, released every 15 minutes.

    • Unused portions will accumulate, similar to the Blaze and Inferno protocols.


  • Fully Decentralized Process:

    • The Buy and Burn process operates under pre-established, transparent rules.

    • These rules ensure clarity on the amount of tokens that will be burnt, maintaining the integrity and predictability of the protocol.

Last updated